I love data and the work I do. I work closely with my clients to deliver the best possible solutions for their needs

About Me

Hi. I'm Andrew, a Director of Engineering in the Chicago Area. Please take a look around!

I am passionate about developing great software that improves the lives of others. I specialize in creating software that automates and streamlines large system processes, such as syncs of data and administrative tasks. What would you do if you could focus on what is important?

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Project Work

For the last 7 years, I've been developing software for a variety of areas.

Such domains include security, artificial intelligence, data synchronization, ETL, and graphics. Why don't you check out some of my work for yourself?

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My Skills

I am an experienced software engineer that has worked with a variety of tools and technologies.


MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, and ORMs like Sequel and ActiveRecord


Chef, Terraform, Ansible, Github Actions, and general CI/CD tooling

Web Development

Perl, Angular, .NET Core, TypeScript/JavaScript

Technology Agnostic

OS and Language agnostic, using modern dev environments typically via Docker

Source Control

Maintain all code using Git in GitHub; often open-source

App Development

Experience from conceptualization to deployment


Continuous improvement by identifying and filling knowledge gaps


Team leadership and leadership in various organizations

Contact Me

I am always open to hearing about new opportunities in and around the greater Chicago area!

Drop me a note

Fun Facts About Me

  • 9001

    Puns this Year
  • 60

    Gallons of Coffee per Year
  • 100

    % of semesters on Dean's List
  • 2.5

    Fun Facts I Could Think Of

I develop intelligent software solutions.

Read more about what I do and my philosophy of development. Judge for yourself the work and results I’ve achieved for other clients and myself.

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