What Should a Secure Code Training Plan Include?

Secure Code Training should touch on the following: What is Secure Code Training?, What are the goals of the training?, Why is Secure Code Training important?, How do you complete the Secure Code Training?

Running Background Processes in Powershell

In this article, the cmdlets we will go over are 'Start-Job', 'Get-Job', and 'Receive-Job' using a fairly simple example where we accumulate a count of all file types recursively in the current directory.

Parsing JSON with Golang

Parsing common data formats like JSON is a very common and necessary task for anyone using a typical RESTful API. In this blog post, we will go through the basics of using JSON with Go.

Deploying Jekyll GitHub Pages with Travis CI

GitHub Pages are a free and great way to setup and maintain a website for a personal, organizational, or project website. Thankfully, by using Travis CI, we can build the pages ourselves and publish to GitHub Pages.
